Synthesis of new class of trithiadiazacycloalkane 1,1-dioxides using Yb(Sm)-contaning catalysts and conformational analysis of the macroheterocycles


  • Regina R. Khairullina ИНК РАН
  • Tatyana V. Tyumkina

Ключевые слова:

макрогетеро[N,S]циклические соединения, сульфамид, циклотиометилирование, a,w-дитиолы, 1,6(7,8,9,10,13)-бис-гидрокси-2,5(6,7,8,9,12)-дитиоалканы, 1,3,6(7)-оксадитиоалканы, катализ


An effective method has been developed for the synthesis of unique macrohetero[N,S]cycles 1,4,7(8,9,10,11,12,14)-trithia-
2,9(10,11,12,13,14,16)-diazacycloalkane 1,1-dioxides by cyclothiomethylation of sulfonamide with bishydroxydithioalkanes and 1,3,6(7)-oxadithioalkanes in the presence of rare earth metal catalysts. A detailed conformational analysis of 1,4,7-trithia-2,9-diazacycloalkane 1,1-dioxide has been carried out, and the energetically most probable path of cyclic interconversion has been proposed.


Биографии авторов

Regina R. Khairullina, ИНК РАН

научный сотрудник

Tatyana V. Tyumkina

Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis, Russian Academy of Sciences,
141 Oktyabrya Ave., Ufa 450075, Russia

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